
On 15 February 2019 the Italian project partner – through the figures of the territorial coordinators and community managers – was invited to participate in the territorial coordination table of the Informagiovani (District of Suzzara).

“Informagiovani” is a free informational and orientation service on the following topics: school, work, leisure, abroad. The service is “networked” on the various provinces to foster the widest possible “geographical coverage”.

The representatives of the Informagiovani were present at the meeting: San benedetto Po, Suzzara, Pegognaga, Gonzaga – all territories that fall within the area of the Oltrepò Mantovano.

The meeting is particularly relevant, because it took place within the framework of an operational meeting, aimed at defining the lines of action based on the projects present and active in the district. It was an unmissable opportunity to present “Eneet Rural” to those who are among the main stakeholders who welcomed the project with enthusiasm providing us many food for thought and invited us to participate in the “Job week: a week – long ten days ”☺ – dedicated to young people and to work.

On March 14 – inside the Job week – at the Informagiovani of San Benedetto Po we told our project to an audience of young people looking for new opportunities for engagement and participation, starting to lay the foundations for a wider involvement and active, in view of upcoming activities and appointments. (You can find the program with our participation on March 14, 2019 on the calendar: http://www.informagiovani.mn.it/p/146/jobweek-2019.html)

Soon we will organize a workshop with a focus on the themes of work, projects and territory … Follow us!

A big thank to the “Informagivaoni” that supports us and works with us!