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“eNeet  Rural” project has promoted an event entitled  PROJECT eNEET RURAL. CULTIVATE NEW HORIZONS: TERRITORY, YOUTH, OPPORTUNITIES”.

The meeting took place on 8 September 2019 at 4 pm at the national event dedicated to the agricultural sector: the Millennial Fair of Gonzaga (Mantova).

During the event promoted by the eNEET RURAL project – active in the Mantuan Oltrepò district – the data and the first project outcomes of the activities carried out were presented, then opening to the comparison between institutional and social actors and to the interventions of the guests. The context offered the opportunity to connect good practices and promote innovative and shared strategies capable of increasing the employability and skills of young people.

The key themes of the meeting were the development of the territory – considering its rural, tourist and entrepreneurial vocation – innovation and support for youth employment.

After the greetings of Alberto Borsari, the COM President (CONSORZIO OLTREPO MANTOVANO) and the welcome of Manuela Righi, the President of Sol.Co. Mantova  – the italian project team presented the data and opened the debate among stakeholders.

The following intervened:

  • The President of Confcooperative Fabio Perini;
  • The President of the Association “Donne In Campo Mantova” (Cia) – Morena Torelli;
  • Giovanni Bellei, Provincial Delegate of Coldiretti Young Enterprise Mantua;
  • The two operators of the Informagiovani of Ostiglia – representing the district network – Serena Gatto and Marzia Mura.

Our most heartfelt thanks go to all of them.
