About the EEA and Norway Grants
About the Fund
The €60 million EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment supports transnational project initiatives that promote sustainable and quality youth employment in Europe. The focus on transnational cooperation reflects the view that unemployment among youth is a common European challenge and common European solutions should therefore be explored. The fund seeks to complement existing EU funding on youth employment initiatives, e.g. the long-term unemployed in the age group 25-29.
The selected projects aim to:
- Make it easier for 25 000 young people to find a job
- Create 3500 jobs in NGOs and social enterprises
- Help 1800 young people start up their own business
The 27 selected projects involve partners from all the 15 beneficiary countries of the EEA and Norway Grants as well as Ireland, Italy and Spain – all countries with high youth unemployment. The projects also include expertise partners from the donor countries Iceland and Norway as well as two international organisations and other EU member states. www.eeagrants.org/youthemployment